Mastery of the

Five Elements

Core Essence and Character

Next Course: 29, 30 March 2025

Cost: $800

Enrolment Close: 7 March 2025 unless sold out

Dive in for two days of self-discovery as you expand into your very core essence and character. The Five Element Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine is our universal, natural, physical and soulful connection to Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood.

The beautiful truth of your very core essence will illuminate with Five Element Balancing and Constitutional Profiling. You will further integrate your muscle testing and balancing skills during these two fun-filled days. Working with other participants you will gain a deeper understanding of the Five Elements of Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood and your interconnectedness to them in the world around you, the body within you, your mind, your thoughts, your preferences and love of things as well as how you show up in the world in relation to your character.

Tap into another infinite potential for healing as you learn how the Five Elements influence our ability to love, nurture, respect, reassure and assert ourselves. This weekend actions profound acceptance and appreciation of SELF.

The Mastery of the Five Elements Core Essence and Character course utilises Element Acupressure Points to shift energy bringing balance to the body. Discover the Spirit / Psyches of the Five Elements including Fire – Shen (Mind & Spirit), Earth – Yi (thought or intention), Metal – Po (Physical Soul), Water – Zhi (willpower, drive, ambition) and Wood – Hun (life plan, sense of purpose and sense of direction). A transformative process to access deep healing.

Mastery of the Five Elements Core Essence and Character is the second course that is a part of the Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology Courses on the practitioner pathway. The detailed, comprehensive and easy to use step-by-step 120+ page manual is yours to keep and accompanies this course.

Fully embrace and celebrate your magnificent self during the Mastery of the Five Elements Core Essence and Character course. Immerse yourself in the magic that the Five Elements bring to everything in our lives -inside and outside of our wonderful selves.

Need to know

Pre-requisites: Kineasy Intro Course

Duration: Two days, 9am – 5.30pm

Instructor: Nikki Heuskes

Location: 72 Hutchinson St, Mt Barker SA 5251

2025 Course Dates

29, 30 March 2025 




Course Hours

16 hours – face-to-face classroom hours.
15 hours – Out of class time which includes an online assessment and 6 x case studies
+ 3 x Elemental Profiling case studies.
Total Course Proficiency Hours = 31 hours

Competency Requirements and Outcomes

Students will be required to demonstrate competency in written and practical assessments with a 75% pass mark. Six Element case studies and three constitutional profiling case studies must be completed post course to obtain proficiency. A Certificate of Attendance will be issued via email for 16 hours after completion of class hours. Once competency requirements have been met a Certificate of Proficiency will be issued via email for 31 hours.


  • Yin and Yang
  • The Law of the Five Elements including Cycles, Relationships and Interactions of the Five Elements
  • The Five Elements in Nature: movement, season, climate, developmental stage, colour, taste/flavour, odour/scent, time of day, direction, planet, grain.
  • In depth look and understanding of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Five Elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood): essence, meridians, organs, sense, tissue, fluid, appearance, expression, spirit/psyches, emotions, feeling, ways of reacting, basic need, spiritual issue, virtues, way to correct imbalance, physical indications of imbalance, emotional/spiritual indications of balance and imbalance.
  • Constitutional profiling of all the Five Elements to discover your own constitution and how to determine other people’s and how this impacts your life. Profiling comprises of: body type (hair, eyes, face, complexion, body antics), movement, traits, self-talk, coping response and life issues, and all your favourite things!  This process if very profound and changes your perception, it provides an appreciation and understanding of yourself and others with compassion.
  • All about the Hara and its relationship to the body including how to test and identify when an Element is imbalanced through use of the bodies beautiful Hara using muscle reflex testing
  • Element Acupressure points (ie. Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood points), for each Element taught in a meaningful, practical ways which are quick, easy and effective to use to provide deep healing, energy, grounding, balancing, relaxation and flow, direction, strength, power and transformation. These can be a balance in themselves!
  • Detailed element remedy information and practical application for: Element Acupressure points; Essential Oils; Element Balancing Oils & Sprays; Crystals; Colour; Sound; Flower Essences; Nutrition; Affirmations; Activities/Spiritual Practices; Shamanic Healing Tools; Emotional Stress Release (ESR); Oracle/Healing Cards; Energy healing; Nature’s Healing Chi; Plus more!
  • Skills and techniques to communicate and connect openly and genuinely with your client to build trust, open up their heart and allow them to feel (which is all part of the healing as ‘feeling is healing’)
  • Full step by step Balancing Protocol including an easy to follow template session sheet for the Five Element balance and the Constitutional Profiling.
  • Practical application of the full Mastery of the Five Elements balance including using all remedies on other workshop participants.
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International Institute for Complementary Therapists

The EMK Modality is a Premier Training Provider and recognised with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) under ‘Specialised Kinesiology’. This allows our EMK Practitioners to obtain affordable membership and insurance with IICT.

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